Wednesday, January 6, 2010

its tiime to close my eyes, trust my instincts, and leap!

Hello world!
First off let me say that Devon and I dont have internet at the apt yet, so I have to use the schools for a few days. Secondly, the keyboards here are different and im losing patience with having to actively concentrate to type so a full update will come tomorrow when i bring my laptop. so for now, bullet points:

-flights went well and we went an epicly long time without sleep and food
-getting to a new country where they dont speak english is definitely overwhelming
-im happy
-food is phenomenal
-people are super nice
-going to a pub tonight, its our first official school welcome activity
-too much paper work and gov technicalities
-first day of class tomorrow, orientation went well today
-weathers nice
-apt is nice
-jet lag
-antibes is cute and cozy
-life is good
-i love you all and wish you were here!


  1. Ray! Sounds amazing! Counter-points:
    - We miss you
    - We are proud of you
    - We know you will have an amazing time
    - Wish we were there with you
    - Have fun
    - Come home safe and sound!
    - Remember, be careful... precious cargo!

    We love you!

  2. Katie and Devon.....Ditto on the above!! Happy you are snuggled in
    and getting some rest! Want to hear about that food that is so good...
    (It's the cook in me!) Be safe...we are watching your blog as promised!
    Hugs and Love! N

  3. Yay "Defying Gravity" lyrics. :) So glad you made it over safely and you're getting settled in! Looking forward to hearing how all this progresses--I've got this on favorites already!

    Much (muchmuchmuch) love!

  4. LOL - love the title - we were just listening to that song on Sunday. LOVE the song - it's soooo appropriate for you.
    so no drunk foreigners behind you on the flights? (LOL)
    are there other study abroad /exchange students in your apt. complex / area?
    love reading your posts!
    Hugs and Love, Mom, Kelly, Andrew

  5. Katie,
    So glad you made it safely! I'm jealous and proud of you at the same time! Don't eat too many croissants! Love you much, The Sams Gang

  6. So glad to hear everything is going well, Katie! I am so happy you are able to take advantage of this wonderful program... what an awesome life experience!! Be safe, know that you are missed, and loved... very much! Hugs... B
