Thursday, April 1, 2010

Everybody's working for the weekned!

....the title of this post actually deserves some rephrasing. Everyone is not working for the weekend. Everyone is cheating, and enjoying the weekend, knowing they got 100% with zero effort...except me.

Latest episode with this school:
I busted out this massive, enormous project because the rest of my group members were totally MIA, and then I arrive in class to discover everyone passing around the answers that they took from the teacher's computer. I spent hours putting together an INSANE compilation of accounting spreadsheets and will receive an A or a B while everyone else spent 1 hour and will get 100%.

I am so sick of this. There is no academic integrity at this school, and it's driving me insane. I have to work SO HARD to get my grades, and everyone else just has to know someone who knows someone who has the answers. And in all honesty, I don't want to hear, "oh, but they won't make it in the long run, you'll be more prepared in the real world" or any of that business. That knowledge will not change the current circumstances I am in and will not change the fact that 85 to 90% of students here at SKEMA cheat their way to an A. If it's not possible for them to cheat, everyone in the class just fails. The teachers are terrible, no one curves the class, and there are plus minus grades here.

I never thought I'd say this....but I am excited to get back to UF and it's shortcomings. At least there they have office hours, tutoring zone, and a student body that doesn't cheat on EVERYTHING.

On another note, I got a B on my corporate finance midterm, which was a HUGE improvement from the first test I took in that class.

No need to be worried or try and comfort me on this issue. There's really nothing to be said that hasn't been said to me before, and I'll get over it. We're almost done with the semester anyways.

Time has gone by so quickly! It's so depressing!

As far as life outside this hell hole named SKEMA is concerned, Shae and her friend Katie are over this week for some Cote d'Azur chillage, which is sure to be a lot of fun. Also, Devon and I leave tomorrow for a weekend of super cheap and super amazing lazing around in the Cinque Terre! (google image it, it's awesome).

I love you all more than words and hope you're doing well! I can't wait to see you all when I return. At this rate, it'll be that time in a blink of an eye!


  1. So you don't want an encouraging sentiments or words of wisdom? How 'bout this ...... If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. :-)

    Can't wait to see you again!

  2. To thine own self be true Bug!

    ILU and IVPOV!!!

  3. Katie, CONGRATS on the finance midterm grade. That is a really tough class.
    I'm really proud of you for sticking to your values and integrity. Don't let the turkeys get you down!

  4. Well, I enjoyed your update on your St. Patty's Day trip...and this too shall pass in about 4 weeks when school is done and you are traipsing through Italy...and all I can say is I want you and your current roommate back at UF also...and I am not counting the days until May enjoy the roller coaster but after the family went through about 100 pictures on Easter they again emphasized how lucky you are to see the world!
